- 任職機構名稱:
- 宏碁股份有限公司
- 工作性質:
- 實習
- 工作地點:
- 新北市汐止區
- 需求人數:
- 3
- 刊登日期:
- 2023-02-21
- 刊登單位:
- 宏碁股份有限公司
宏碁屹立市場超過40年,是一個國際化的自有品牌公司,全球員工超過8,000名,營運遍及世界超過160個國家,在台灣設有研發中心,且在泛歐、泛美和泛亞均設有區域性的營運總部。我們歡迎有著改變世界熱情的你/妳加入宏碁,一同寫下屬於我們的故事 : )
[Acer 2023 Summer Intern – Become a Part of Our Story]
>Position 1
New Biz Acerpure market and channel strategy in Taiwan market.
1. Assist current channel coverage and channel activities planning.
2. Manage current channels and visit new channels.
3. Know how to present products and conduct the product training to channels.
4. Survey the market and study the competitors’ trends.
5. Assist marketing activities implementation.
>Position 2
The primary responsibility of this internship position is to leverage digital and eCommerce capabilities to boost growth for digital business. The internship will assist across all fundamentals, including contents, deign, search, data analytics, and customer services.
Digital Marketing (50% of time)
Utilize external tools and research to evaluate opportunities for search engine optimization (SEO) and trending keywords to be included in our search strategy and assist on the execution.
Review data of Google Analytics provide proof of performance, execution of search strategy, and competitive placements.
Integrate relevant intelligence and data to assist on summer promotion campaign planning.
Data and Analytics (40% of time)
Utilize internal and external analytics tools to assist in providing data driven recommendations to adjust user experience and business strategies and presentations
Content Reviews Assistance (10% of time)
Maintain the integrity of digital shelf and product pages to ensure contents and images match guidelines of business partners.
>Position 3
1. 構思一個讓目標族群想要,且我們能做到,結合科技與服飾概念的產品方案。
2. 根據上述產品方案或Apparel team既有產品方案,打造能夠觸及時下年輕人,提升品牌知名度與好感度的行銷/銷售方案
3. 實際執行。
[Acer 2023 Summer Intern – Become a Part of Our Story]
>Position 1
New Biz Acerpure market and channel strategy in Taiwan market.
1. Assist current channel coverage and channel activities planning.
2. Manage current channels and visit new channels.
3. Know how to present products and conduct the product training to channels.
4. Survey the market and study the competitors’ trends.
5. Assist marketing activities implementation.
>Position 2
The primary responsibility of this internship position is to leverage digital and eCommerce capabilities to boost growth for digital business. The internship will assist across all fundamentals, including contents, deign, search, data analytics, and customer services.
Digital Marketing (50% of time)
Utilize external tools and research to evaluate opportunities for search engine optimization (SEO) and trending keywords to be included in our search strategy and assist on the execution.
Review data of Google Analytics provide proof of performance, execution of search strategy, and competitive placements.
Integrate relevant intelligence and data to assist on summer promotion campaign planning.
Data and Analytics (40% of time)
Utilize internal and external analytics tools to assist in providing data driven recommendations to adjust user experience and business strategies and presentations
Content Reviews Assistance (10% of time)
Maintain the integrity of digital shelf and product pages to ensure contents and images match guidelines of business partners.
>Position 3
1. 構思一個讓目標族群想要,且我們能做到,結合科技與服飾概念的產品方案。
2. 根據上述產品方案或Apparel team既有產品方案,打造能夠觸及時下年輕人,提升品牌知名度與好感度的行銷/銷售方案
3. 實際執行。
>Position 1
1. Education: above University
2. Experience: n/a
3. Skills: Fluent in English
Good at Excel.
Skills on basic AI or PS will be preferred.
Outgoing personality and good presentation skills.
>Position 2
1. Education: junior or senior enrolled in a 4-year undergrad degree program
2. Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0+
3. Skills: Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google Tag Manager, Microsoft Office Suite
Major in business school
Interest in marketing, sales, and eCommerce
Confident written and verbal communicator
Basic understanding of web development, scripting language as one example
>Position 3
1. Education: Design, marketing, UI/UX majors are welcome.
1. Education: above University
2. Experience: n/a
3. Skills: Fluent in English
Good at Excel.
Skills on basic AI or PS will be preferred.
Outgoing personality and good presentation skills.
>Position 2
1. Education: junior or senior enrolled in a 4-year undergrad degree program
2. Minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0+
3. Skills: Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Google Tag Manager, Microsoft Office Suite
Major in business school
Interest in marketing, sales, and eCommerce
Confident written and verbal communicator
Basic understanding of web development, scripting language as one example
>Position 3
1. Education: Design, marketing, UI/UX majors are welcome.
● 報名期間:即日起 – 2023/04/04
● 甄選期間:2023/04 – 2023/05
● 實習時間:2023/07/04 - 2023/08/31
● 宣傳影片:https://reurl.cc/xgG17e
● 其它:
1. HR會依照個人專長與技能,將履歷轉寄給合適的單位及單位主管。
2. 通過第一關書面審核者, HR會再寄發E-mail通知面試時間與地點。
● 報名期間:即日起 – 2023/04/04
● 甄選期間:2023/04 – 2023/05
● 實習時間:2023/07/04 - 2023/08/31
● 宣傳影片:https://reurl.cc/xgG17e
● 其它:
1. HR會依照個人專長與技能,將履歷轉寄給合適的單位及單位主管。
2. 通過第一關書面審核者, HR會再寄發E-mail通知面試時間與地點。
聯絡人:Acer Career