- 任職機構名稱:
- 伊雲谷數位科技股份有限公司
- 工作性質:
- 實習
- 工作地點:
- 台北市中正區
- 薪資待遇:
- NTD176/時,2023年基本工資時薪
- 需求人數:
- 10
- 刊登日期:
- 2022-11-07
- 刊登單位:
- 伊雲谷數位科技股份有限公司
• 雲端工程師 | Cloud Engineer
√ 對於學習建置AWS或Azure雲端架構充滿熱忱
√ 喜歡用新技術解決雲端應用/系統問題
√ 學會設計穩定可靠的雲端解決方案√ 熟悉軟體常見設計、SQL語法
√ 喜歡分析不同技術歡境並提供最佳實踐與解決方案
Work Contents:
√ Passionate about learning to build AWS or Azure cloud architecture
√ Like to use new technology to solve cloud application/system problems
√ Learn to design stable and reliable cloud solutions
√ Familiar with common software design and SQL syntax
√ Likes to analyze different technologies and provide best practices and solutions
• 市場拓展 | Sales & Marketing
√ 分析判斷市場趨勢和產業動態以訂定開發策略
√ 了解銷售邏輯和熟悉陌生開發
√ 學習報價與進行合約擬定作業流程
√ 電話接聽&Email回覆客戶需求,協助安排會議
√ 業務相關資料維護及報表製作
Work Contents:
√ Analyze and judge market trends and industry dynamics to formulate development strategies
√ Understand sales logic and be familiar with unfamiliar development
√ Learn quotation and contract drafting process
√ Telephone answering & Email replying to customer needs, assisting in arranging meetings
√ Maintenance of business-related data and production of reports
• 雲端工程師 | Cloud Engineer
√ 對於學習建置AWS或Azure雲端架構充滿熱忱
√ 喜歡用新技術解決雲端應用/系統問題
√ 學會設計穩定可靠的雲端解決方案√ 熟悉軟體常見設計、SQL語法
√ 喜歡分析不同技術歡境並提供最佳實踐與解決方案
Work Contents:
√ Passionate about learning to build AWS or Azure cloud architecture
√ Like to use new technology to solve cloud application/system problems
√ Learn to design stable and reliable cloud solutions
√ Familiar with common software design and SQL syntax
√ Likes to analyze different technologies and provide best practices and solutions
• 市場拓展 | Sales & Marketing
√ 分析判斷市場趨勢和產業動態以訂定開發策略
√ 了解銷售邏輯和熟悉陌生開發
√ 學習報價與進行合約擬定作業流程
√ 電話接聽&Email回覆客戶需求,協助安排會議
√ 業務相關資料維護及報表製作
Work Contents:
√ Analyze and judge market trends and industry dynamics to formulate development strategies
√ Understand sales logic and be familiar with unfamiliar development
√ Learn quotation and contract drafting process
√ Telephone answering & Email replying to customer needs, assisting in arranging meetings
√ Maintenance of business-related data and production of reports
無特殊條件,歡迎加入 eCloudvalley (ECV) 成為我們的夥伴,在2023 eCloudture 雲端種子計劃裡,我們歡迎對雲端有興趣、有想法的你,根據所學以及專業項目,eCloudture 來協助你透過專業技術培育、完善導師制度以及實作雲端專案的方式,依照對應角色進行培訓,累積你的雲端實力,開拓你的雲端職涯,快一起乘坐 2023 eCloudture雲端特快車,成為有競爭力的雲端人才 !
√ 時薪:NTD176/hr,符合基本工資時薪
√ 免費美味員工午餐,零時咖啡永遠充足
√ 轉正可累加實習年資
√ 不定期Team building活動
√ 社團活動多元
√ 員工旅遊、不定期聚餐
Intern benefits:
√ Hourly wage: NTD176/hr, compliant with basic wages
√ Free delicious staff lunch, coffee is always ful
l√ Regularization can accumulate internship experience
√ Irregular Team building activities
√ Diverse community activities
√ Staff travel, occasional gatherings
√ 時薪:NTD176/hr,符合基本工資時薪
√ 免費美味員工午餐,零時咖啡永遠充足
√ 轉正可累加實習年資
√ 不定期Team building活動
√ 社團活動多元
√ 員工旅遊、不定期聚餐
Intern benefits:
√ Hourly wage: NTD176/hr, compliant with basic wages
√ Free delicious staff lunch, coffee is always ful
l√ Regularization can accumulate internship experience
√ Irregular Team building activities
√ Diverse community activities
√ Staff travel, occasional gatherings