International and Overseas Chinese Students Career Survey


Dear Students,
Since joining NCCU, your path to professional success has become our central focus at the Career Center.
From the moment you selected your major, minor, and credit programs, to your active engagement with the vibrant array of opportunities provided by the Career Center – including individualized Career Aptitude Assessments, Domestic and International internships, as well as annual Career Fair Month – every activity you participate in will (already) leave behind a personal and exclusive footprint on your career development.
We believe that based on your unique talents and rich and diverse campus experiences, we can craft a talent and career development plan that aligns with your interests and aspirations. Therefore, we hope you can actively participate in answering the following questions to help us gain a more comprehensive understanding of you, enabling us to recommend the most suitable internship and job opportunities.
To express our gratitude for your valuable opinions, complete a questionnaire to participate in the draw.
We have prepared 100 Starbucks gift vouchers, and the chance of winning is very high! Hurry up and fill out the questionnaire!

我們準備了 100 張星巴克禮卷,中獎機率很高唷!趕快來填問卷吧!

To meet the rising demand for international talent in both local and international job markets, it’s crucial to ensure that our students possess the necessary passports or work permits for specific regions. Therefore, we kindly request the following information to facilitate matching you with a wider range of internship, externship, and job opportunities.

因應企業對境外生人才需求增加,實習與就業地點涵蓋台灣與海外各城市。有鑒候選人才必須符合當地工作身份要求,請問您所持有的護照或永久或長期居留證的國家或地區為何? 請逐一列出以增加實習與工作選擇機會。

What’s your nationality? (If you have Taiwanese nationality, please be sure to check both. Multiple choice)


Do you hold a Taiwan ID card?


Do you have a residence permit / work permit from other countries besides your nationality?


What factors played a role in your decision to attend NCCU? (Multiple choice, max. 3 options)


What’s the department and program you are currently enrolled in? (If double major multiple selections are allowed)


Do you have a minor?


What’s the department or program you are minoring in? (Multiple choice)


We encourage students to take advantage of career exploration-related activities organized by the NCCU Career Center, such as Career Month, domestic and overseas business visits and internships, career seminars, and mentor consultations. Additionally, we are planning events for networking with peers, alumni, and connecting with employers to better prepare individuals for their career pursuits.
We value your input and would like to hear your ideas and preferences regarding the kinds of support that will enhance your career development preparations.


What on-campus activities have you participated in held by the Career Center? (Multiple choice, max. 3 options)


In addition to the career center, what career-related activities have you participated in organized by other units (can be organized by companies, governments or other units). What activities do you think are worthy of being organized by the school?


What career-related activities would you most like your school to organize? (Multiple choice, max. 3 options)


Have you ever heard of Comment System? (Website: Overseas Chinese or Foreign Student Graduated in the R.O.C. to Work in Taiwan)


Are you willing to attend Comment System Seminar?


Due to employment regulations and enterprise employment requirements in Taiwan, Chinese language ability is a very important key factor. What’s your approximate level of Chinese proficiency?


Do you have any Chinese language certifications?


What Chinese language certifications do you have? (Please list)


※ After filling in, the next question will be loaded automatically.
※ 填寫後將自動載入下一題

In order to improve your Chinese proficiency, what kind of help would you most like to receive? (Multiple choice, max. 3 options)


What’s the biggest difficulty you encounter in your current job search? (Please list)


Which platforms or channels would you use to search for internship or job opportunities? (Multiple choice, max. 3 options)


“Chance favors the prepared mind.” Planning your career path early on can be highly advantageous. Please share your thoughts on your post-graduation plans.


What are your plans after graduation?


Will you consider working in Taiwan after graduation?


What factors would you consider when deciding to work in Taiwan? (Multiple choice, max 3 options)


What’s your NCCU student ID number?


To ensure the success of receiving Starbucks gift vouchers, if your personal contact number and email are different from those registered for enrollment, please provide the latest contact information.
What’s your phone number?


What’s your E-MAIL?
