1. 系統線路整合
2. Layout規劃
3. 系統問題除錯
4. 設計流程優化
5. 創新產品實現
6. 確保出貨品質
2. Layout規劃
3. 系統問題除錯
4. 設計流程優化
5. 創新產品實現
6. 確保出貨品質
1. 碩士(含)以上,電機、電子相關科系
2. 具備基礎電路分析及電路設計驗證能力
3. 熟悉示波器等相關電子儀器操作
3. 熟悉電腦硬體架構
4. 正向積極、具有良好的溝通與表達能力
2. 具備基礎電路分析及電路設計驗證能力
3. 熟悉示波器等相關電子儀器操作
3. 熟悉電腦硬體架構
4. 正向積極、具有良好的溝通與表達能力
1. Windows 桌面應用軟體的設計/開發/維護
2. 大數據資料收集/分析/應用
3. 系統軟體整合與優化
4. 研究新的 Windows平台技術
5. 跨平台APP開發 (iOS/Android/Mac)
2. 大數據資料收集/分析/應用
3. 系統軟體整合與優化
4. 研究新的 Windows平台技術
5. 跨平台APP開發 (iOS/Android/Mac)
1. 碩士(含)以上,資工、電機相關科系畢
2. 具備C、C++、C#、Python等程式開發能力
3. 熟悉作業系統、資料結構、演算法的基礎知識
4. 具App開發經驗尤佳
2. 具備C、C++、C#、Python等程式開發能力
3. 熟悉作業系統、資料結構、演算法的基礎知識
4. 具App開發經驗尤佳
1. 韌體BIOS標準-UEFI開發實作
2. 最新世代Intel/AMD與Google市場產品韌體研發實作
3. 最新世代Microsoft Windows作業系統安全/技術功能研發實作
4. 制定華碩產品獨特韌體規格與創新技術及開發原型機韌體
5. 開發各類作業系統底層驅動程式及工具程式
2. 最新世代Intel/AMD與Google市場產品韌體研發實作
3. 最新世代Microsoft Windows作業系統安全/技術功能研發實作
4. 制定華碩產品獨特韌體規格與創新技術及開發原型機韌體
5. 開發各類作業系統底層驅動程式及工具程式
1. 大學(含)以上,電機、電子、資工、資管等相關科系
2. 邏輯思考佳、具有團隊合作精神
3. 熟悉C語言、X86或8051 組合語言
4. 具備韌體開發經驗者尤佳
2. 邏輯思考佳、具有團隊合作精神
3. 熟悉C語言、X86或8051 組合語言
4. 具備韌體開發經驗者尤佳
1. 機種開發前的技術可行性評估
2. 規格確認與問題回饋
3. 產品與零組件的開發設計
4. 轉檔、發包、機械加工、樣品階段備料與協助組立出貨
5. 工程樣品的出貨檢驗與檢驗報告製作,設計圖面檢討與模具合議,安規與產品送樣
6. 試模後的問題解決,製程端問題回饋的解決與改善
7. BOM表建立與產品上線時生產注意事項製作
8. 新機種的設計檢討,產品上線時的海外派駐與工程支援
9. 改善製程作業的設計研究,訂定設計值標準化
2. 規格確認與問題回饋
3. 產品與零組件的開發設計
4. 轉檔、發包、機械加工、樣品階段備料與協助組立出貨
5. 工程樣品的出貨檢驗與檢驗報告製作,設計圖面檢討與模具合議,安規與產品送樣
6. 試模後的問題解決,製程端問題回饋的解決與改善
7. BOM表建立與產品上線時生產注意事項製作
8. 新機種的設計檢討,產品上線時的海外派駐與工程支援
9. 改善製程作業的設計研究,訂定設計值標準化
1. 大學(含)以上,機械、航太相關科系
2. 熟悉Pro/E、AutoCAD與CAE軟體
3. 具備塑膠成型、模具結構知識
4. 具備CNC加工專業知識者尤佳
2. 熟悉Pro/E、AutoCAD與CAE軟體
3. 具備塑膠成型、模具結構知識
4. 具備CNC加工專業知識者尤佳
1. 從事產品外觀、創新設計開發
2. 設計前期分析、歸納
3. 設計概念發想、發展至最終設計
4. 產品設計之色彩、材質、效果規劃
2. 設計前期分析、歸納
3. 設計概念發想、發展至最終設計
4. 產品設計之色彩、材質、效果規劃
1. 大學(含)以上,工業設計相關科系
2 對於設計前端研究、市場、趨勢脈絡具觀察的興趣、洞悉的能力
3. 需具備產品設計發展Sketch手繪概念發展圖、2D與3D繪圖軟體應用能力
4. 應徵者需檢附作品集
2 對於設計前端研究、市場、趨勢脈絡具觀察的興趣、洞悉的能力
3. 需具備產品設計發展Sketch手繪概念發展圖、2D與3D繪圖軟體應用能力
4. 應徵者需檢附作品集
1. 市場與產品競爭分析
2. 產品行銷規劃及產品策略制定
3. 產品開發之規格/時程/成本/資源規劃
4. 協調、整合及追蹤各部門產品開發流程
5. 新產品上市規劃
6. 產品生命週期管理
2. 產品行銷規劃及產品策略制定
3. 產品開發之規格/時程/成本/資源規劃
4. 協調、整合及追蹤各部門產品開發流程
5. 新產品上市規劃
6. 產品生命週期管理
1. 大學(含)以上,企管相關科系
2. 態度積極、對工作有熱忱及具備良好溝通協調能力者
3. 熟悉科技產業趨勢、專案流程管理與費用及成本分析概念
4. 熟悉工廠生產流程者尤佳
2. 態度積極、對工作有熱忱及具備良好溝通協調能力者
3. 熟悉科技產業趨勢、專案流程管理與費用及成本分析概念
4. 熟悉工廠生產流程者尤佳
1. 協助產品專案與主要零件之備料整合規劃
2. 協助代工廠生產規劃與協調產能規劃
3. 滿足業務訂單需求
4. 協調產品出貨狀況
2. 協助代工廠生產規劃與協調產能規劃
3. 滿足業務訂單需求
4. 協調產品出貨狀況
1. 大學(含)以上,工業管理相關科系
2. 具備良好的溝通協調能力
3. 反應敏捷,具備細心與耐心
4. 邏輯性強且重視流程
5. 具備物料管理或專案管理知識者尤佳
2. 具備良好的溝通協調能力
3. 反應敏捷,具備細心與耐心
4. 邏輯性強且重視流程
5. 具備物料管理或專案管理知識者尤佳
1. 新專案之規劃、執行、掌控、成本控制及結案
2. 協助各部門、工廠推動專案之執行、管理、問題追蹤及解決
3. 協助各部門、工廠之工作流程改善、檢討
4. 協助產品功能、規格、品質確認
5. 執行開發階段各項會議策畫、招集、紀錄及進度跟催
2. 協助各部門、工廠推動專案之執行、管理、問題追蹤及解決
3. 協助各部門、工廠之工作流程改善、檢討
4. 協助產品功能、規格、品質確認
5. 執行開發階段各項會議策畫、招集、紀錄及進度跟催
1. 大學(含)以上,商管、工程相關科系
2. 溝通協調能力佳、對科技業有熱忱者
2. 溝通協調能力佳、對科技業有熱忱者
1. 產品系統應用程式規劃與專案管理
2. 執行軟體應用程式之功能規劃、時程管控、上架發表與客戶服務
3. 協助業務銷售與行銷溝通整合,確保達成專案成效
4. 收集並分析市場訊息,掌握軟體應用服務最新趨勢與動態
5. 商議、審核、協調與第三方軟體廠商之合約內容
2. 執行軟體應用程式之功能規劃、時程管控、上架發表與客戶服務
3. 協助業務銷售與行銷溝通整合,確保達成專案成效
4. 收集並分析市場訊息,掌握軟體應用服務最新趨勢與動態
5. 商議、審核、協調與第三方軟體廠商之合約內容
1. 大學(含)以上,商管、工程‘法律相關科系
2. 熟悉Windows作業系統、Windows app、Android app
3. 主動積極、樂觀進取、溝通協調能力強
4. 抗壓性強、可獨立作業,具備高度耐心及細心
5. 有軟體技術背景或開發經驗者尤佳
6. 需能以英文與國際客戶電話或書信溝通
2. 熟悉Windows作業系統、Windows app、Android app
3. 主動積極、樂觀進取、溝通協調能力強
4. 抗壓性強、可獨立作業,具備高度耐心及細心
5. 有軟體技術背景或開發經驗者尤佳
6. 需能以英文與國際客戶電話或書信溝通
2.PCB Layout評估、檢查及問題分析、改善
3. DFM規則檢查
2.PCB Layout評估、檢查及問題分析、改善
3. DFM規則檢查
1. 專科(含)以上,電機、電子相關科系
2. 熟悉Allegro、OrCAD尤佳
2. 熟悉Allegro、OrCAD尤佳
1. 硬體相容性測試
2. BIOS功能驗證
3. 作業系統安裝及功能驗證
4. BMC功能驗證
5. VMWare, RHEL認證測試
2. BIOS功能驗證
3. 作業系統安裝及功能驗證
4. BMC功能驗證
5. VMWare, RHEL認證測試
1. 大學(含)以上,資工、電機、電子相關科系
1. 具MCITP、MCSE、RHCE (in Hybrid Cloud Storage)、CCNA或VMware VCP認證者佳
1. 具MCITP、MCSE、RHCE (in Hybrid Cloud Storage)、CCNA或VMware VCP認證者佳
Global Product Marketing
1. Develop global marketing strategy for responsible products go-to-market strategy, market positioning, target audience setting, and communication plan
2. Understand market and customers to conduct detailed analysis, identifying business drivers and opportunities
3. Develop creative concepts: creative brief/ communication message and copy development
4. Create marketing communication assets: work with design team / agency based on defined direction to create videos, print & outdoor ads, product pages, digital banners, press releases and other online or offline marketing collaterals
5. Work with product/engineering experts to define and roll out product features and unique selling points
6. Work closely with local marketing teams to create appropriate, timely deliverables for the various audiences, which includes both end-users as well as channel and OEM partners
7. Work with cross-functional teams (Social Media team, PR team, Content Management team…etc.) to execute product strategies/tactics and deliverables
8. Event support: various local or global press events and exhibitions
2. Understand market and customers to conduct detailed analysis, identifying business drivers and opportunities
3. Develop creative concepts: creative brief/ communication message and copy development
4. Create marketing communication assets: work with design team / agency based on defined direction to create videos, print & outdoor ads, product pages, digital banners, press releases and other online or offline marketing collaterals
5. Work with product/engineering experts to define and roll out product features and unique selling points
6. Work closely with local marketing teams to create appropriate, timely deliverables for the various audiences, which includes both end-users as well as channel and OEM partners
7. Work with cross-functional teams (Social Media team, PR team, Content Management team…etc.) to execute product strategies/tactics and deliverables
8. Event support: various local or global press events and exhibitions
1. Bachelor's degree or above
2. Good communication and coordination skill
3. Independent, creative with drive, willingly to learn and also a team player
4. Exhibit creative thinking with a keen attention to detail
5. Requires a can do attitude and ability to handle multiple tasks at the same time
6. Capable of working under pressure
7. 2 years working experience is preferred
8. Territory/ local marketing/ PR experience in corporate or agency is preferred
2. Good communication and coordination skill
3. Independent, creative with drive, willingly to learn and also a team player
4. Exhibit creative thinking with a keen attention to detail
5. Requires a can do attitude and ability to handle multiple tasks at the same time
6. Capable of working under pressure
7. 2 years working experience is preferred
8. Territory/ local marketing/ PR experience in corporate or agency is preferred
Market Development Manager
1. Study and analyze the market competition, define the opportunity, and propose product positioning, pricing, marketing, and service strategy
2. Understand product portfolio and roadmap from the headquarter; select the right product & SKU for the assigned market
3. Based on the understanding of the assigned market, provide accurate sales forecast to headquarter
4. Monitor sell-in, sell-out, final inventory status and modify the order and forecast and ensure smooth supply status in the market
5. Manage quarterly business simulations including revenue, costs, expenses, and profit
2. Understand product portfolio and roadmap from the headquarter; select the right product & SKU for the assigned market
3. Based on the understanding of the assigned market, provide accurate sales forecast to headquarter
4. Monitor sell-in, sell-out, final inventory status and modify the order and forecast and ensure smooth supply status in the market
5. Manage quarterly business simulations including revenue, costs, expenses, and profit
1. Bachelor's degree; master is preferred
2. Proficiency in English
3. Passion on information technology industry and products
4. Positive and proactive attitudes, ambitious and goal-oriented
5. Strategic thinking and solid in execution
2. Proficiency in English
3. Passion on information technology industry and products
4. Positive and proactive attitudes, ambitious and goal-oriented
5. Strategic thinking and solid in execution
Territory Marketing Manager
1. Define regional marketing strategy that leads to the growth of marketing share & profit in APAC region
2. Liaise with internal stakeholders and local markets to execute GTM plan and strategic campaigns
3. Review & monitor the APAC markets marketing execution status on a day to day basis
4. Develop partnership with local marketing managers and provide regional guidance to ensure the success of new product launch
5. Strong working relationship with corporate partners, field teams, and vendors globally to ensure delivery of the best possible experience to ASUS customer
2. Liaise with internal stakeholders and local markets to execute GTM plan and strategic campaigns
3. Review & monitor the APAC markets marketing execution status on a day to day basis
4. Develop partnership with local marketing managers and provide regional guidance to ensure the success of new product launch
5. Strong working relationship with corporate partners, field teams, and vendors globally to ensure delivery of the best possible experience to ASUS customer
1. Bachelor's degree, master is preferred
2. Proficiency in English
3. Passion on information technology industry and products
4. Positive and proactive attitudes, ambitious and goal-oriented
5. Strategic thinking and solid in execution
2. Proficiency in English
3. Passion on information technology industry and products
4. Positive and proactive attitudes, ambitious and goal-oriented
5. Strategic thinking and solid in execution
Sales Product Manager
1. Define new product's specification and control the cost & schedule
2. Research and analyze market conditions, and identify key competitor and market/consumer trends
3. Coordinate events (CES/ Computex) and provide product training to sales
4. Integrate and organize product developing related topics with cross-functions
2. Research and analyze market conditions, and identify key competitor and market/consumer trends
3. Coordinate events (CES/ Computex) and provide product training to sales
4. Integrate and organize product developing related topics with cross-functions
1. Bachelor's degree in computer science, business, or master's degree in related field
2. Proven ability to solve problems creatively and to complete projects according to outlined scope, budget, and timeline
3. Solid organizational skills including attention to detail and multitasking skills
2. Proven ability to solve problems creatively and to complete projects according to outlined scope, budget, and timeline
3. Solid organizational skills including attention to detail and multitasking skills
Global Service Manager
1. Global Service Policy Planning
2. Global Service Cost Risk Management
3. Global Service Optimization Project Design and Tracking
4. New Product Launch Service Planning
2. Global Service Cost Risk Management
3. Global Service Optimization Project Design and Tracking
4. New Product Launch Service Planning
1. Bachelor's degree or above
2. Basic knowledge of financial report structure
3. Familiar with Microsoft Excel, Power Point, Word and Outlook
4. Positive with good communication skills
5. Willing to accept challenging tasks, able to work under pressure and do project independently
6. Proficiency in English and Chinese, fluent in additional language is a plus
2. Basic knowledge of financial report structure
3. Familiar with Microsoft Excel, Power Point, Word and Outlook
4. Positive with good communication skills
5. Willing to accept challenging tasks, able to work under pressure and do project independently
6. Proficiency in English and Chinese, fluent in additional language is a plus
Global Technical Service Engineer
1. Manage and define test program processes and procedures to all regions repair center technicians
2. Work with hardware and software engineers to develop diagnostic test programs for repair center usage
3. Provide technical support and on-site training for technicians in each country
4. Set up the KPI dashboard to monitor the repair quality of all regional repair centers
2. Work with hardware and software engineers to develop diagnostic test programs for repair center usage
3. Provide technical support and on-site training for technicians in each country
4. Set up the KPI dashboard to monitor the repair quality of all regional repair centers
1. Bachelor's degree or above, major in EE or System architecture related background
2. Understanding of X86 architecture in PC products
3. Proficiency in English and Chinese
4. Positive thinking, proactive and strong in execution
5. Good at teamwork and communication
2. Understanding of X86 architecture in PC products
3. Proficiency in English and Chinese
4. Positive thinking, proactive and strong in execution
5. Good at teamwork and communication