- https://www.asus.com/tw/
- ASUS_HR@asus.com
1. 電腦視覺相關之深度學習演算法開發
2. 深度學習模型資料搜集、清理、訓練及優化
3. 應用場景的系統開發及效能優化
4. State of the art 技術研讀及套用評估
2. 深度學習模型資料搜集、清理、訓練及優化
3. 應用場景的系統開發及效能優化
4. State of the art 技術研讀及套用評估
1. 碩士(含)以上,電機、電子、資工、資管相關科系畢
2. 具良好的程式設計及解決問題能力,至少熟悉一種主流程式設計語言 (Python/C++等)
3. 熟悉深度神經網路的常用模型 (CNN、R-CNN、VGGNet、ResNet等)
4. 熟悉 Caffe、Tensorflow 等任一種主流的深度學習框架的使用
5. 有使用 OpenCV、OpenGL 經驗尤佳
6. 有攝影機 3A 演算法經驗尤佳
7. 曾參與 Kaggle 競賽或深入研究並調校 Neural Network 模型的經驗尤佳
2. 具良好的程式設計及解決問題能力,至少熟悉一種主流程式設計語言 (Python/C++等)
3. 熟悉深度神經網路的常用模型 (CNN、R-CNN、VGGNet、ResNet等)
4. 熟悉 Caffe、Tensorflow 等任一種主流的深度學習框架的使用
5. 有使用 OpenCV、OpenGL 經驗尤佳
6. 有攝影機 3A 演算法經驗尤佳
7. 曾參與 Kaggle 競賽或深入研究並調校 Neural Network 模型的經驗尤佳
1. 設計中英文句法和語義語法
2. 設計知識表示形式(詞彙、知識本體論、邏輯形式、知識圖和普通常識規則)
3. 開發基於規則或基於機器學習的 NLP 管道工具(斷詞、NER、語法和語義解析器、共指解析、話語分析以及邏輯形式到知識圖的轉換)
4. 開發基於知識圖的推理引擎,用於問答、聊天和個人助理
5. 開發自動領域語言模型和知識本體生成工具
6. 開發自動知識獲取工具及普通常識眾包工具
2. 設計知識表示形式(詞彙、知識本體論、邏輯形式、知識圖和普通常識規則)
3. 開發基於規則或基於機器學習的 NLP 管道工具(斷詞、NER、語法和語義解析器、共指解析、話語分析以及邏輯形式到知識圖的轉換)
4. 開發基於知識圖的推理引擎,用於問答、聊天和個人助理
5. 開發自動領域語言模型和知識本體生成工具
6. 開發自動知識獲取工具及普通常識眾包工具
1. 碩士(含)以上,資工、數學、語言學相關科系畢
2.了解用於文本和知識表示的 NLP 技術、語法和語義解析技術、資料結構和建模
3. 軟體架構設計能力
4. 對文本表示技術(例如 n-gram、詞袋、情感分析等)、統計和分類算法有深入的了解
5. 具備 Python 或 Java 知識
6. 能夠編寫魯棒性高且可測試的代碼
7. 有機器學習平台的實作與應用經驗
8. 良好的溝通能力
9. 具有解決問題能力的分析思維
2.了解用於文本和知識表示的 NLP 技術、語法和語義解析技術、資料結構和建模
3. 軟體架構設計能力
4. 對文本表示技術(例如 n-gram、詞袋、情感分析等)、統計和分類算法有深入的了解
5. 具備 Python 或 Java 知識
6. 能夠編寫魯棒性高且可測試的代碼
7. 有機器學習平台的實作與應用經驗
8. 良好的溝通能力
9. 具有解決問題能力的分析思維
1. 語音辨識、音訊處理演算法開發
2. 機器與深度學習技術應用
3. 語音辨識應用的研究開發
2. 機器與深度學習技術應用
3. 語音辨識應用的研究開發
1. 碩士(含)以上,電機、資工或相關科系畢業
2. 了解語音辨識所需相關知識,包含訊號處理基礎、特徵抽取、聲學模型、語言模型等
3. 有實際使用 Kaldi ASR tool kit 進行模型訓練與調校之經驗
4. 對語音辨識系統有實際整合或開發經驗
5. 具有豐富軟件工程經驗尤佳
2. 了解語音辨識所需相關知識,包含訊號處理基礎、特徵抽取、聲學模型、語言模型等
3. 有實際使用 Kaldi ASR tool kit 進行模型訓練與調校之經驗
4. 對語音辨識系統有實際整合或開發經驗
5. 具有豐富軟件工程經驗尤佳
1. Focus on providing SaaS for AI enterprises to solve the real problems from various industries.
2. Design, build and deploy distributed systems on public cloud.
2. Design, build and deploy distributed systems on public cloud.
1. Master degree or above, major in EE or CS related background.
2. Good understanding of data structures, algorithms, and operating systems.
3. Experience programming in Node.js, Java, Python.
4. Good interpersonal communications and problem-solving skills.
5. Experience in peer code review to maintain a styled readability and code quality is preferred.
6. Experience with AWS, Azure, and/or GCP is preferred.
7. Have built scalable distributed systems with a good understanding of micro service architecture is preferred.
2. Good understanding of data structures, algorithms, and operating systems.
3. Experience programming in Node.js, Java, Python.
4. Good interpersonal communications and problem-solving skills.
5. Experience in peer code review to maintain a styled readability and code quality is preferred.
6. Experience with AWS, Azure, and/or GCP is preferred.
7. Have built scalable distributed systems with a good understanding of micro service architecture is preferred.
1. 最新世代Intel/AMD與Google市場產品韌體研發實作
2. 最新世代Microsoft Windows作業系統安全/技術功能研發實作
4. 華碩主機板獨特韌體規格與創新技術制定
5. 華碩NB/ROG電競DT/主機板/Mini PC/伺服器產品新技術及Prototype原型機韌體開發
6. Utility & Debug tool開發
7. 各類作業系統底層驅動程式及工具程式開發
8. 與晶片大廠(INTEL、NVIDIA、AMD...)合作開發次世代平台及先端技術
2. 最新世代Microsoft Windows作業系統安全/技術功能研發實作
4. 華碩主機板獨特韌體規格與創新技術制定
5. 華碩NB/ROG電競DT/主機板/Mini PC/伺服器產品新技術及Prototype原型機韌體開發
6. Utility & Debug tool開發
7. 各類作業系統底層驅動程式及工具程式開發
8. 與晶片大廠(INTEL、NVIDIA、AMD...)合作開發次世代平台及先端技術
1. 碩士(含)以上,電機、電子、資工相關科系畢
2. 熟悉C語言
3. 熟悉X86架構或8051 組合語言佳
4. 有韌體開發經驗者尤佳
5. 邏輯思考佳
6. 具團隊合作精神
2. 熟悉C語言
3. 熟悉X86架構或8051 組合語言佳
4. 有韌體開發經驗者尤佳
5. 邏輯思考佳
6. 具團隊合作精神
1. Windows 桌面應用軟體的設計/開發/維護
2. 大數據資料收集 /分析/應用
3. 系統軟體整合與優化
4. 研究新的 Windows平台技術並應用在電腦相關產品上
2. 大數據資料收集 /分析/應用
3. 系統軟體整合與優化
4. 研究新的 Windows平台技術並應用在電腦相關產品上
1. 碩士(含)以上,電機、電子、資工相關科系畢業
2. 具C語言、C++程式語言開發能力
3. 具window平台軟體開發經驗尤佳
4. 作業系統、資料結構、演算法的基礎知識
5. 具溝通協調及主動學習性
2. 具C語言、C++程式語言開發能力
3. 具window平台軟體開發經驗尤佳
4. 作業系統、資料結構、演算法的基礎知識
5. 具溝通協調及主動學習性
1. DC/DC電源規劃與開發
2. NB、AIO、伺服器、主機板、PC顯示卡、電競耳機與車用電子電源零件與電路之規劃、設計、模擬與驗證
3. Schedule掌控與跨部門聯絡溝通
2. NB、AIO、伺服器、主機板、PC顯示卡、電競耳機與車用電子電源零件與電路之規劃、設計、模擬與驗證
3. Schedule掌控與跨部門聯絡溝通
1. 碩士(含)以上,電機、電子相關科系畢業
2. 具基礎電路分析、設計、驗證能力尤佳
2. 具基礎電路分析、設計、驗證能力尤佳
1. 從事產品外觀、創新設計開發
2. 設計前期分析、歸納
3. 設計概念發想、發展至最終設計
4. 概念草圖、2D rendering、Prototyping、3D Modeling、3D rendering
5. 產品設計之色彩、材質、效果規劃
2. 設計前期分析、歸納
3. 設計概念發想、發展至最終設計
4. 概念草圖、2D rendering、Prototyping、3D Modeling、3D rendering
5. 產品設計之色彩、材質、效果規劃
1. 大學(含)以上,工業設計相關科系畢業
2. 具備設計前端研究、市場、趨勢脈絡觀察的興趣、洞悉能力
3. 具備產品設計發展Sketch手繪概念發展圖、2D與3D繪圖軟體應用能力
4. 2D軟體:Photoshop、Illustrator、CorelDraw
5. 3D軟體:Pro/E、3D model rendering相關軟體
6. 對數位資訊相關產品及設計具高度熱誠,並對其發展脈動有興趣
7. 高度關注消費者、使用者需求,以及具有思考創新的特質
8. 對於設計發展中動手執行Prototyping感興趣
9. 擅團隊溝通合作,以及有獨立執行的能力與特質
10. 勇於挑戰各種新的設計課題
2. 具備設計前端研究、市場、趨勢脈絡觀察的興趣、洞悉能力
3. 具備產品設計發展Sketch手繪概念發展圖、2D與3D繪圖軟體應用能力
4. 2D軟體:Photoshop、Illustrator、CorelDraw
5. 3D軟體:Pro/E、3D model rendering相關軟體
6. 對數位資訊相關產品及設計具高度熱誠,並對其發展脈動有興趣
7. 高度關注消費者、使用者需求,以及具有思考創新的特質
8. 對於設計發展中動手執行Prototyping感興趣
9. 擅團隊溝通合作,以及有獨立執行的能力與特質
10. 勇於挑戰各種新的設計課題
Market Development Manager
1. Study and analyze the market competition, define the opportunity, propose product positioning to decide business strategy together with line managers.
2. Understand our product portfolio and roadmap from the headquarter; select the right product & SKU for the assigned market.
3. Set up proper pricing strategy for each product line to maximize market share and profit.
4. Decide go-to-market channel strategy and channel program to maximize sales quantity & profit.
5. Co-work with marketing team to plan marketing strategy and activities to raise brand position and preference.
6. Based on the understanding of the assigned market, provide accurate sales forecast to headquarter.
7. Monitor sell-in, sell-out, final inventory status and modify the order and forecast and ensure smooth supply status in the market.
8. Manage quarterly business simulations including revenue, costs, expenses, and profit.
9. Decide and set up the service policy for the responsible product line; monitor service satisfaction level with optimized cost.
2. Understand our product portfolio and roadmap from the headquarter; select the right product & SKU for the assigned market.
3. Set up proper pricing strategy for each product line to maximize market share and profit.
4. Decide go-to-market channel strategy and channel program to maximize sales quantity & profit.
5. Co-work with marketing team to plan marketing strategy and activities to raise brand position and preference.
6. Based on the understanding of the assigned market, provide accurate sales forecast to headquarter.
7. Monitor sell-in, sell-out, final inventory status and modify the order and forecast and ensure smooth supply status in the market.
8. Manage quarterly business simulations including revenue, costs, expenses, and profit.
9. Decide and set up the service policy for the responsible product line; monitor service satisfaction level with optimized cost.
1. Bachelor's degree; master is preferred.
2. Proficient in English.
3. Passionate about information technology industry and products.
4. Positive and proactive attitudes; ambitious and goal-oriented.
5. Strategic thinking and solid in execution.
2. Proficient in English.
3. Passionate about information technology industry and products.
4. Positive and proactive attitudes; ambitious and goal-oriented.
5. Strategic thinking and solid in execution.
Sales Product Manager
1. Define new product's specification, and control the cost & schedule.
2. Research and analyze market conditions, and identify key competitor and market/consumer trends.
3. Coordinate events (CES/ Computex) and provide product training to sales .
4. Integrate and organize product developing related topics with cross-functions.
2. Research and analyze market conditions, and identify key competitor and market/consumer trends.
3. Coordinate events (CES/ Computex) and provide product training to sales .
4. Integrate and organize product developing related topics with cross-functions.
1. Bachelor's degree in computer science, business, or master's degree in related field.
2. Proven ability to solve problems creatively and to complete projects according to outlined scope, budget, and timeline.
3. Solid organizational skills including attention to details and multitasking skills.
2. Proven ability to solve problems creatively and to complete projects according to outlined scope, budget, and timeline.
3. Solid organizational skills including attention to details and multitasking skills.
Global Product Marketing
1. Developing go-to-market strategy, creating global marketing message and assets to speak to target audience precisely.
2. Create marketing concept brief, work with design team and writer team to develop marketing assets.
3. Sync business direction, promotion plan and execution with PM/ sales/ local marketing.
4. Support global and local events, such as trade shows, press events, gaming events, seminars, fan days...etc.
5. Collaborating with vendors and alliance partners to identify business drivers and co-marketing opportunities.
2. Create marketing concept brief, work with design team and writer team to develop marketing assets.
3. Sync business direction, promotion plan and execution with PM/ sales/ local marketing.
4. Support global and local events, such as trade shows, press events, gaming events, seminars, fan days...etc.
5. Collaborating with vendors and alliance partners to identify business drivers and co-marketing opportunities.
1. Bachelor's degree; master is preferred.
2. Good communication and coordination skill.
3. Independent, creative with drive, willing to learn and a team player.
4. Exhibit creative thinking with a keen attention to details.
5. Requires a can do attitude and ability to handle multiple tasks at the same time.
2. Good communication and coordination skill.
3. Independent, creative with drive, willing to learn and a team player.
4. Exhibit creative thinking with a keen attention to details.
5. Requires a can do attitude and ability to handle multiple tasks at the same time.
Global Technical Service Engineer
1. Manage and define test program processes and procedures to all regions repair center technicians.
2. Set up test program criteria and documentation of the specifications; coordinate with hardware and software RD engineers to develop diagnostic test programs for repair center usage.
3. Assist each country's repair center technicians and coordinate with local teams for technical support; on-site support training or debugging is necessary for skill improvement.
4. Set up the KPI dashboard to monitor the repair quality of all regions repair centers.
5. Automate the repair system operation, make it more intelligent; reduce unnecessary repair steps and increase efficiency of the system processes to increase revenue.
2. Set up test program criteria and documentation of the specifications; coordinate with hardware and software RD engineers to develop diagnostic test programs for repair center usage.
3. Assist each country's repair center technicians and coordinate with local teams for technical support; on-site support training or debugging is necessary for skill improvement.
4. Set up the KPI dashboard to monitor the repair quality of all regions repair centers.
5. Automate the repair system operation, make it more intelligent; reduce unnecessary repair steps and increase efficiency of the system processes to increase revenue.
1. Bachelor's degree or above, major in EE or System architecture related background.
2. Understanding of x86 architecture in PC products.
3. Proficient in English and Mandarin.
4. Positive thinking, proactive and strong in execution.
5. Good at teamwork and communication.
2. Understanding of x86 architecture in PC products.
3. Proficient in English and Mandarin.
4. Positive thinking, proactive and strong in execution.
5. Good at teamwork and communication.
Country Service Manager
1. Study and understand the market and the competitors in order to decide how to plan service model for the country.
2. Understand ASUS product roadmap and product portfolio from ASUS headquarter, select and plan the right service model for the product.
3. Decide and set up the service policy for the product line in charge, make sure we could achieve the required service satisfaction level with optimized cost.
4. Review and manage country service operation.
5. Monitor country service KPI and build up audit process.
6. Quarterly service business review and management, including costs, expenses, control and management.
2. Understand ASUS product roadmap and product portfolio from ASUS headquarter, select and plan the right service model for the product.
3. Decide and set up the service policy for the product line in charge, make sure we could achieve the required service satisfaction level with optimized cost.
4. Review and manage country service operation.
5. Monitor country service KPI and build up audit process.
6. Quarterly service business review and management, including costs, expenses, control and management.
1. Bachelor's degree; master is preferred.
2. Able to monitor business momentum, competitor's service strategy, prioritize targets and manage resources effectively.
3. Good communicator who can lead an assignment and communicate with other dept and across the team.
4. Positive thinking, proactive and strong in execution.
5. Proficient in English and Mandarin.
6. Flexible to work in any country.
2. Able to monitor business momentum, competitor's service strategy, prioritize targets and manage resources effectively.
3. Good communicator who can lead an assignment and communicate with other dept and across the team.
4. Positive thinking, proactive and strong in execution.
5. Proficient in English and Mandarin.
6. Flexible to work in any country.
1. 掌握新產品開發之產品規格、時程、成本之掌控
2. 擬定新產品上市規劃
3. 研習與分析最新的產業趨勢/技術,並擬定相關的產品策略
4. 舉辦大型秀展 (CES/Computex),並提供業務團隊教育訓練課程
5. 協調及整合各部門產品開發相關事宜
2. 擬定新產品上市規劃
3. 研習與分析最新的產業趨勢/技術,並擬定相關的產品策略
4. 舉辦大型秀展 (CES/Computex),並提供業務團隊教育訓練課程
5. 協調及整合各部門產品開發相關事宜
1. 學士(含)以上,電機、電子、商學、管理相關科系畢業
2. 英文聽說讀寫能力精通
3. 擅長規劃,領導能力佳
4. 主動積極,擅長溝通協調與團隊合作
5. 抗壓性佳,接受快速步調的工作環境
2. 英文聽說讀寫能力精通
3. 擅長規劃,領導能力佳
4. 主動積極,擅長溝通協調與團隊合作
5. 抗壓性佳,接受快速步調的工作環境